Saturday, November 19, 2011

basket documentation and pictures

BasketsBy Engeline VonFoxridge
Name of piece and what layer it represents:

This piece is called a basket. It represents the additional embellishment.
Period of origin time period and origin:
The period of origin I am using is the 1300’s. My personia is of Austrian decent so I am using Austria as the place.
What material was used in period:
The material that was used in period were made of wood spilt narrow ribbons as well as vines and willow shoots.
Material I used: The materials that I used was reed that I bought from Medieval Castle Guide: Medieval Basket Making
How I assembled the pieces:
I got a large tub of water and soaked the reed that I was going to use in. The like Antinea taught me I started weaving it to form a basket.
What I did and the difference between:
I made my basket with two handles like a purse because my daughter wanted two handles. I couldn’t find any picture documentation that there were any in the 1300’s. I also made mine smaller then ones that seemed to be used once again because my daughter wanted that size.  
from The Tacuinum Sanitas

People have always had the need to transport thing from. Basket weaving is one the widest spread crafts in history. It is hard to say really how old the craft is. Natural materials like wood, grass and animals remains decay. So baskets seldom survive. There are traces of baskets have been found in the Pyramids of Egypt and basket liner impressions have been found on the inside of ancient pottery. The oldest known baskets are between 10,000 and 12,000 earlier than established dates for pottery.
Lessons learned:
I learned how to make a basket. Things to do better next time; A flatter bottom and tighter weave.
Linda Hebert
V. I. Reed & Cane
The Medieval Health Handbook: tacuinum sanitatis
Roesdahl and Wilson, 1992

(NY: George Braziller, 1976). .

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